Who Should be in Your Travel Squad?

Each friend in a squad brings a unique contribution to the group dynamic. You might notice these different qualities when completing a group project, trying to decide what to watch on Netflix, or choosing how to spend your Saturday night. However, when it comes to traveling (especially traveling internationally), you need to choose your squad wisely. With any vacation or trip there is a small amount of inevitable drama. Your flight could get cancelled, the Airbnb could turn out to be a dump, or one of your friends could get too lit. This is why it is imperative to assemble a squad of people with different strengths. Think of it as creating a group of superheros like the Avengers or X-Men. Instead of fighting crime or saving the world, you need to create a group of people with diverse skills so that you can have the most fun possible.

The Planner:

Let's be honest, you would not even be going on this trip without this person. They found the flights, the hotel, made an itinerary, and nagged everyone to pay on time. Yes, sometimes they can be on the less adventurous side but they make sure that you make it through TSA and have a decent meal. I am partial to this person because it is often me. Not to toot my own horn BUT we are an asset to any travel group and always make great restaurant recommendations.

The Jester:

This person keeps the mood light and the vibes right. Things can go wrong…actually things will go wrong. That’s just life. So you need someone funny to lighten the mood and re-energize the group. This person orders shots in the middle of the day, makes friends with other people at the club or resort, and helps liven up the group even at the end of the trip. Sometimes, the Jester can do too much and rub people the wrong way but they are admired and appreciated for their energy.

The Daredevil:

This is the type of person to literally jump off a cliff and swim with sharks. The Daredevil wants to experience all that life has to offer. They want to go zip-lining, try new food, and maybe even go home with a stranger depending on how the night is going. Keep an eye on this person because they tend to wander but if you are looking to get out of your comfort zone and experience new things, you will definitely need them.

The Bodyguard:

This person is your protective friend. They either know how to fight or they can run quickly at the first sign of danger. The Bodyguard follows their gut and will keep the group out of harm’s way. Although sometimes they can be overprotective, their intuition is often times correct. The Bodyguard is essential especially when traveling abroad because you are entering new territory and sadly it is easy to take advantage of American tourists.

The Wildcard:

This person can adapt to whatever the situation calls for. Are people too tired to go out? They will make everyone get up and order the Uber. Is there tension within the group? They will play therapist and smooth out any issues. This person is dedicated to making the trip fun for everyone and will do whatever is necessary to make that happen. They are honestly the glue that holds everything together.

Now that you know the types of people to bring on your next group vacation, who will you be inviting? I recommend inviting a group that can balance each other out. If you only want to travel in a small group or a pair, I recommend selecting someone that you will feel comfortable with whether they are more similar to you or offer something different. In the end, no matter who you are traveling with, it is important to have the same goal. The goal could be to turn up or to relax or do a bit of both. As long as you and your group are on the same page, you are bound to have a good time.